1. What is The Sentiment of The Guardian?

Tracker of the sentiment of the Guardian latest headlines that also provides a commentary. Powered by OpenAI's GPT models.It periodically (every 20 minutes) loads headlines from The Guardian and evaluates their sentiment using OpenAI's gpt-4o-mini model.

2. What prompt does it use to get the sentiment?

Determine sentiment of the following headline as a number from range 1-100. 100 is the most positive. Return only the number. Title: ARTICLE_TITLE

3. How often is the commentary updated? And what model is used?

The commentary is updated twice a day - at 8am and 8pm UTC and the following model is used: gpt-4o-mini.

4. What are the plans for the future?

To track many more outlets, and to provide more detailed analysis.

5. Will there be more FAQs?
